Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Exercises to practice Fibonacci in n dimensions part 1

Exercises to help get a feel for the N-dimensional Fibonacci numbers:

Please write your answers here.

1. Pick a number from 2 to 6 (it actually can be bigger also, but for practical purposes we want to stop here) Call the number n
2. Define a new number m=2*n + 1
3. write the numbers 1 n times in a raw. For example if n=3 write (1,1,1) if n=4 write (1,1,1,1) etc. Pick up an English letter that defines this list with an index=1. For example I picked the letter W and for me W1=(1,1,1,1)
4. Keep creating W2,W3,W4,W5,W6 (you can continue but it is good to stop at 6 or some other point) based on the following rule: This is just an example:
If W3 is something like (a,b,c,d) then W4 will be (d,d+c,d+c+b,d+c+b+a) Do you understand the rule? Ask.
5. Create a new sequence from the Pick another letter of the alphabet and create another sequence made out of the ratios of the one you picked before where you always divide by the first member. For example I picked the letter V and got:
For example if W3=(a,b,c,d) then V3=(1,b/a,c/a,d/a) Express your answer as a decimal in three cases and the rest leave as fraction

1 comment:

mathgenius said...

I'm math teacher...
this blog is very nice...