Thursday, October 11, 2007

Comments about the Dalai Lama visit

Please add comments and thoughts about what you learned from the Dalai Lama visit.


Brighid of the Finger Lakes said...

Reviewing some of the verses of the Dali Lama and his recent significance on this campus was a lovely was to continue to extend all of the experiences of our class outward into the universe. I think a lot of what he said is definitely relevant to some of the coursework we've covered regarding the knowledge of the universe and the way that everything effects everything else amongst us.

Tamar said...

I really enjoyed the visit from the Dalai Lama and found his words to be extremely moving and relevant to my own life and what we have been learning about in class.
The Dalai Lama spoke about love, compassion and forgiveness, which we have discussed in class and which are extremely important values to anyone, not just Buddhists. It is extremely important to get involved in altruistic efforts, things that do not just work for the benefit of ourselves but for others. He spoke about how it didn't matter what your religious affiliation was, that we could all agree on pursuing certain values. A lot of it was about guiding oneself, but also about how we must break away from the selfish, "I am" mentality and think of others.
He also spoke about the pursuit of happiness, and how this is not found through material goods or means, and really needs to be found on the inside. I have found that it is important to nurture one's inside, and that the outside, material matters are of little importance. This is sometimes hard to remember within the college atmosphere, but I really took the time out this weekend to be alone and reflect on the past weeks and how lucky I am to have so much. This mostly involved thinking about my loved ones and how much they mean to me.
One of the most inspiring words were those about "being the effort that produces harmony." This related to the transformation of harmony and how your energy affects others. I noticed this a lot this week and, through this awareness, was able to be a more positive influence. I was proud of this and know that even though most of us are under a lot of stress, we can just as easily help eachother as hinder eachother, it is just about the route you choose.