Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HW for Week 5, What Is Math. Sharing your dreams

This week HW is to write a blog entry about your dreams. We are dream weavers and one way to see life is as a battle field or just a field where you grow veggies (pick the metaphor that speaks to you, or make your own). In any case it is a field where you are sawing your dreams or winning the battles and manifesting them in the physical world which is not as dense as it may seems. Let us then share our dreams in this blog. It will help all of us. You can also add collective dreams for humanity and the universe as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Spiral of Life

Let's share out spiral of life's here for week 3 :)

Spiral of Life

Let's share out spiral of life's here for week 3 :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rainbow method

Here is an explanation of the rainbow method.

The idea is as follows:

You can add a series of consecutive numbers (means the difference is the same:
like 2+4+6+...100 (difference 3) or
5+ 10 + 15 +....+1000 (difference 5) etc. by making bows where each bow consists of two numbers: first + last, then second + one before the last etc.

Thus all you need to do is to multiply that sum (first+last) times the numbers of bows which is half of the number of numbers.

3+6+9+12+15 has 2.5 bows and each bow equals 18 so the answer is 45 (you can verify)

or another example:
15+25+35+....1005 has 100 bows and each bow has the same sum of 1020 so the answer is 102,000

Remark. It is good if you play with small lists to practice the method. Like 2+4+6+8+10 or 5+10+15+20+25+30 to get the "feel"

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Week 3 Reading Blog

Here you can post comments about this weeks reading. Please remember to still report on webct about this assignment. It is best to copy and paste you response into your word document.

Spiral of Life

Paste at your comment the beautiful spiral of life you created and we will share it in class and note different characteristics